Redux-Toolkit & React-Redux! But Why?

I had prepared Redux-Toolkit for my react interview keeping in mind that the interviewer would ask me something around the topic since I had it mentioned in my resume. But the interviewer left me thinking, when he asked me "Why do you need these two dependencies for setting up redux with react? Can't you just manage with one of them?".

Now that I have the answer, here is an interview ready answer that you could use in case you fall in the same trap.

  1. Redux Toolkit:

    • Redux Toolkit is a package that simplifies the usage of Redux by providing utilities to reduce boilerplate code and manage state more efficiently.

    • It includes tools like

      • configureStore() for creating a Redux store with sensible defaults,

      • createSlice() for defining Redux slice reducers with simpler syntax, and

      • createAsyncThunk() for handling asynchronous logic.

    • Redux Toolkit helps developers write cleaner and more maintainable Redux code by abstracting away many of the complexities of traditional Redux setups.

  2. React Redux:

    • React Redux is the official React bindings for Redux, providing integration between Redux state management and React components.

    • It allows React components to interact with the Redux store, dispatch actions, and subscribe to state changes.

    • React Redux provides components like Provider to wrap the entire React application and pass down the Redux store as a prop, and connect() higher-order component (HOC) to connect individual components to the Redux store.

    • React Redux ensures that React components can access the Redux state and trigger updates efficiently when the state changes.

In summary, Redux Toolkit simplifies Redux usage and reduces boilerplate, while React Redux provides the necessary integration between Redux and React components, allowing for efficient state management in React applications. Combining these two packages streamlines the development process and improves developer productivity when working with Redux in React projects.